High Court of Malawi - 2021

381 documents

Court registries

Title Date
April 2021
S v Blantyre City Council & Anor. (Civil Cause 137 of 2018) [2021] MWHC 34 (29 April 2021) 29 April 2021
Mpokonyola ( suing through Malaki Mpokonyola, litigation guardian) and Mpokonyola v Chiwale and Prime Insurance Company Limited (Civil Cause 922 of 2019) [2021] MWHC 314 (26 April 2021) 26 April 2021
Selina Zainab Kankhulungo v Kettie Tiyanjane Kankhulungo & Beugm Marriam Mannan (Civil Cause 48 of 2017) [2021] MWHC 189 (23 April 2021) 23 April 2021
Muocha ( As beneficiary of the estate of Francis Mbilizi (deceased)), Mbilizi( As beneficiary of the estate of Francis Mbilizi (deceased)) and Dr. Chimwaza ( As a beneficiary of the estate of Francis Mbilizi (deceased)) v Mbilizi (Probate Cause 394 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 362 (20 April 2021) 20 April 2021
Banda( Minor, suing through Eswart Ntokoma, next friend) v Khauya and Prime Insurance Co. Ltd (Personal Injury Cause 249 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 350 (19 April 2021) 19 April 2021
R v Daniel (Criminal Confirmation Case 2123 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 30 (19 April 2021) 19 April 2021
R v Harlod (Confirmation Case 37 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 32 (19 April 2021) 19 April 2021
R v Moses, Lipiyasi, Mwangomba, Maloni & Ors. (Criminal Case 14 of 2018) [2021] MWHC 31 (19 April 2021) 19 April 2021
R v Kamayanika (Criminal Review 7 of 2021) [2021] MWHC 33 (16 April 2021) 16 April 2021
Nasawa v Matchado and Reunion Insurance Company Limited (Personal Injury Cause 721 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 364 (15 April 2021) 15 April 2021
R v Juma (Criminal Case 49 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 29 (15 April 2021) 15 April 2021
Kasale & 7 Others v R (Miscellaneous Criminal Application 49 of 2022) [2021] MWHC 381 (11 April 2021) 11 April 2021
Kasale and 7 Others v R (Misc Criminal Application 49 of 2022) [2021] MWHC 298 (11 April 2021) 11 April 2021
Buleya v Banda & Prime Insurance (Assessment of Damages) (Civil Cause 944 of 2013) [2021] MWHC 66 (9 April 2021) 9 April 2021
Kambanje & Dickman v Phiri & Liberty General (Assessment of Damages) (Civil Cause 944 of 2013) [2021] MWHC 67 (9 April 2021) 9 April 2021
Panje v Ndovie (Assessment of Damages) (Personal Injury Cause 35 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 64 (9 April 2021) 9 April 2021
Jombo v Attorney General (Malawi Defense Force) (Assessment of Damages) (Civil Cause 110 of 2016) [2021] MWHC 65 (8 April 2021) 8 April 2021
Zondola v Tarmahomed t/a Super Hardware and NICO General Insurance Company Ltd (Personal Injury Cause 323 of 2019) [2021] MWHC 361 (6 April 2021) 6 April 2021
March 2021
Mtegha v Mponera( Village headman Matambukila) and Another (Civil Cause 255 of 2019) [2021] MWHC 303 (30 March 2021) 30 March 2021
Phiri v Phiri (Matrimonial Cause 45 of 2015) [2021] MWHC 354 (30 March 2021) 30 March 2021
Mussa v Mussa (Civil Appeal 9 of 2018) [2021] MWHC 363 (24 March 2021) 24 March 2021
Fiskani Kayira v Goodson Molande & Prime Insurance Company Limited (Civil Cause 60 of 2017) [2021] MWHC 182 (17 March 2021) 17 March 2021
Mrs Elina Chimimba Phiri v Mariam Chimimba Phiri and Others (Civil Cause 56 of 2018) [2021] MWHC 186 (16 March 2021) 16 March 2021
Mbepula v Attorney General (Civil Cause 8 of 2002) [2021] MWHC 235 (15 March 2021) 15 March 2021
S (oao Human Rights Defenders Coalition, Association of Magistrates in Malawi & Malawi Law Society) v President of Malawi (Prof Mutharika) & Anor. (Judicial Review 33 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 24 (12 March 2021) 12 March 2021
Moyenda v Chigwere and Prime Insurance Co Ltd (Personal Injury Case 436 of 2016) [2021] MWHC 347 (9 March 2021) 9 March 2021
S v IG of Police, Clerk of National Assembly & Ors. (Judicial Review 7 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 25 (9 March 2021) 9 March 2021
S v IG of Police, Clerk of the National Assembly & Minister of Finance ex-parte MM & Ors. (Judicial Review 7 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 28 (9 March 2021) 9 March 2021
S v The Inspector of Police & Others; Ex-parte MM and Others (Judicial Review Cause 7 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 125 (9 March 2021) 9 March 2021
Chimtedza v M'manja & NICO General (Assessment of Damages) (Civil Cause 791 of 2019) [2021] MWHC 61 (4 March 2021) 4 March 2021
Chiweza v Kachali & Prime Insurance (Assessment of Damages) (Civil Cause 429 of 2017) [2021] MWHC 63 (4 March 2021) 4 March 2021
Kachemba v Mtambo & Prime Insurance (Assessment of Damages) (Civil Cause 460 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 62 (4 March 2021) 4 March 2021
Paulo v Mulekano & UGI (Assessment of Damages) (Civil Cause 756 of 2018) [2021] MWHC 60 (4 March 2021) 4 March 2021
Mpata v Mtonga and Prime Insurance Co.Ltd (Personal Injury Cause 428 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 355 (1 March 2021) 1 March 2021
February 2021
Republic v Julius (Confirmation Case 897 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 383 (25 February 2021) 25 February 2021
R v Joseph Julius (Confirmation Case 897 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 145 (25 February 2021) 25 February 2021
Khunda v Linde farm (Personal Injury Cause 685 of 2018) [2021] MWHC 344 (24 February 2021) 24 February 2021
Ex Parte: Estate of Harry Andrew Maida (Probate Cause 614 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 23 (23 February 2021) 23 February 2021
Kabowa v Mota Engil Engenharia Construção Africa, SA (Personal Injury Cause 576 of 2017) [2021] MWHC 27 (20 February 2021) 20 February 2021
T K v Mota Engil Engenharia Construcao Africa, SA (Personal Injury Cause No. 576 of 2017) [2021] MWHC 26 (20 February 2021) 20 February 2021
R v Phiri (Homicide Case 28 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 338 (17 February 2021) 17 February 2021
Catherine Chiphwanya ( on her own behalf and on behalf of the Chiwoza Family) v Anderson Katuwa & Others (Civil Cause 730 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 194 (16 February 2021) 16 February 2021
Catherine Chiphwanya ( on her own behalf & on behalf of the Chiwoza Family) v Anderson Katawa & Others (Civil Cause 730 of 2020) [2021] MWHC 181 (16 February 2021) 16 February 2021
Franzel v Malawi Telecommunication Limited (Civil Cause 204 of 2013) [2021] MWHC 346 (15 February 2021) 15 February 2021
Mthambala v Nyirenda and NICO General Insurance Company Limited (Personal Injury Cause 261 of 2017) [2021] MWHC 357 (15 February 2021) 15 February 2021
Muchawa v Khan and 1 other (Personal Injury Cause 758 of 2011) [2021] MWHC 388 (15 February 2021) 15 February 2021
Rodson Chabvuta v Catherine Lowe (Civil Appeal 4 of 2018) [2021] MWHC 200 (11 February 2021) 11 February 2021
Geoffrey Kajawo v Charles Kaluba & Re-Union Insurance Company Limited (Civil Cause 174 of 2017) [2021] MWHC 219 (8 February 2021) 8 February 2021
Kajawo v Kaluba & Re-Union Insurance Company Limited (Civil Cause 174 of 2017) [2021] MWHC 260 (8 February 2021) 8 February 2021
Perfecto Pest Control Limited v Blue Financial Limited (Civil Cause 461 of 2011) [2021] MWHC 249 (8 February 2021) 8 February 2021