This Act was repealed on 2017-06-01 by Communications Act.
Communications Act
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- Is repealed by Communications Act
Communications Act
Chapter 68:01
- Assented to on 30 December 1998
- Commenced on 1 March 1999
- [This is the version of this document at 31 December 2014.]
- [Note: This version of the Act was revised and consolidated in the Fifth Revised Edition of the Laws of Malawi (L.R.O. 1/2018), by the Solicitor General and Secretary for Justice under the authority of the Revision of the Laws Act.]
- [Repealed by Communications Act (Act 34 of 2016) on 1 June 2017]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
In this Act unless the context otherwise requires—"Authority" means the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority established under section 3;"broadcasting" means any form of telecommunication intended for general reception by the public by means of receivers adapted for the purpose;"broadcasting licence" means a radio licence that authorizes the provision of a broadcasting service;"broadcasting service" means a service consisting of the diffusion of sound or television programmes for general reception by the public;"cable television network" means a telecommunication network which is intended for the distribution of radio or television programmes to users through a system of lines and which is capable of, or of being adapted for, providing access to telecommunication services;"communication service" means any telecommunication service, broadcasting service or postal service;"community broadcasting service" means a broadcasting service which—(a)serves a particular community;(b)is carried on for non-profitable purposes; and(c)is fully controlled by a non-profit entity,"coverage area" means the area in which a broadcasting service is intended to be received;"frequency allocation" means the reservation of one or more radio frequency bands for a particular use or particular uses;"frequency assignment" means the reservation of one or more radio frequencies for use by a particular person in accordance with the table of national frequency allocations;"general licence" means a licence to operate a telecommunication network or to provide a telecommunication service for which the person concerned does not require an explicit authorization by the authority before exercising the rights stemming from the licence;"immediate family member" , in relation to any person, means that person’s spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, grand-child or grand-parent;"individual licence" means a licence to operate a telecommunication network or provide a telecommunication service issued by the Authority to a body corporate under Part III of this Act and which gives that person specific rights and obligations;"infrastructure" means any structure or facility installed and maintained for the purpose of the provision of a public utility service;"interconnection" means the physical and logical connection of telecommunication network in order to allow the users connected to one such network to have access to users connected to other networks or to access services provided by means of such other networks;"letter" means any communication in written form which—(a)is directed to a specific person or address;(b)relates to the personal, private or business affairs of, or the business affairs of the employer of, either correspondent; and(c)neither is to be nor has been transmitted by means of telecommunications,and includes any such other article transmissible by post which contains any such communication;"licence network" means a telecommunication network, the establishment or operation of which is authorized by a licence issued under this Act;"licensee" means the holder of a licence issued or deemed to have been issued under this Act or a person registered under a general licence issued under this Act;"line" means any wire, cable, equipment, tower, mast, antenna, tunnel, hole, pit, pole or other structure or thing used or intended to be used in connection with a telecommunication network;"mail" means letters and other articles in course of transmission by post;"Malawi Posts" means the body corporate by that name established under section 74;"Malawi Posts and Telecommunications Corporation" means the body corporate by that name established under the Malawi Posts and Telecommunications Act, repealed by this Act;[Cap. 68:01]"Malawi Telecom" means a company by that name incorporated or to be incorporated under the Companies Act pursuant to section 70;[Cap. 46:03]"MBC" means the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation established under section 86;"message" means any communication sent or received or made by means of telecommunication;"National Communications Policy" means any statement made by the Minister under section 105;"post" means any system for the collection, dispatch, conveyance, handling and delivery of letters, postcards, printed papers, commercial papers, samples, parcels or other similar articles;"postal article" means any article in course of transmission by post;"post office" means any building, house, room, receptacle, vessel, vehicle or place where postal articles are received, sorted, made up or dispatched;"private broadcasting service" means a broadcasting service operated for profit and controlled by a person who is not a holder of a public broadcasting licence;"Public Appointments Committee" means the Public Appointments Committee of the National Assembly established under section 56 (7) of the Constitution;"public broadcasting service" means—(a)any broadcasting service provided by MBC; or(b)any broadcasting service provided under a licence which stipulates—(i)national or local transmission of the broadcasting service;(ii)the provision of regular news bulletins; and(iii)access to the service for public information announcements or programmes;"public telecommunication network" means a telecommunication network used, in whole or in part, for the provision of telecommunication service to the public;"radiocommunication" means any telecommunication by means of radio frequencies;"radiocommunication service" means any service for telecommunication by means of radio frequencies;"radio frequencies" means electromagnetic waves of frequencies arbitrarily lower than 3000 GHz propagated in space without artificial guide;"radio station" means any equipment, facility or system used or intended to be used for radiocommunication;"subscriber" means any person who has entered into a contract with an authorized provider of a telecommunication service which includes or requires the provision or maintenance of a connexion to a telecommunication network;"telecommunication" means the emission, transmission or reception, through the agency of electricity or electromagnetism, of any sounds, signs, signals, writing, images, intelligence of any nature by wire, radio, optical or other electric or electromagnetic systems whether or not such signs, signals, writing, images, sounds or intelligence have been subjected to rearrangement, computation or other processes by any means in the course of their transmission, emission or reception;"telecommunication licence" means any licence to operate a telecommunication network or provide a telecommunication service;"telecommunication network" means transmission systems and, where applicable, switching equipment and other resources which permit the conveyance of signals between defined termination points by wire, by radio, by optical or other electric or electromagnetic means;"telecommunication operator "means the operator of a telecommunication network designated by the Authority under section 24;"telecommunication service" means a service consisting wholly or partly in the transmission and routing of signals on a telecommunication network, with the exception of radio and television broadcasting;"terminal equipment" means any equipment to be connected to a telecommunication network which is operated by a person duly licensed to provide a public telecommunication service;"transfer date" means the date on which—(a)the telecommunications assets and undertakings of Malawi Posts and Telecommunications Corporation are transferred to Malawi Telecom as prescribed in section 71;(b)the postal assets and undertakings of the Malawi Posts and Telecommunications Corporation are transferred to Malawi Posts as prescribed in section 83;"voice telephony" means the commercial provision for the public of the direct transport and switching of speech in real time between public switched network termination points.Part II – Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority
3. Establishment of the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority
4. General duties of the Authority
5. Powers and functions of the Authority
6. Membership of the Authority
7. Appointment of members
8. Chairman of the Authority
9. Director General of the Authority
10. Other staff of the Authority
11. Disclosure of conflicts of interest
12. Financing of the Authority
13. Account and audit
14. Annual report
Part III – Regulations of the telecommunication networks and services
15. Duty of the Authority in respect of public telecommunication services
In the performance of its duties under section 4, the Authority shall regulate telecommunication networks and services in Malawi so as to ensure—16. Policy directions by the Minister
17. Requirement of licence for provision of telecommunication service
18. Kinds of telecommunications licence
19. Registration under a general licence
20. Applications for individual licences
21. Terms and conditions of telecommunication licences
22. Monitoring and enforcement of telecommunication licences
23. Amendment of a telecommunication licence
24. Designation of telecommunication operators
25. Competition rules
If it appears to the Authority that a person holding an individual licence is taking or intends to take any action which—26. Network interconnexion
27. National numbering plans
28. Use of infrastructure
29. Settlement of disputes
30. Provision of information
The Authority may require any person holding a telecommunication licence—31. Confidentiality
32. Telecommunication regulations
Part IV – Radio spectrum management
33. Duty of the Authority in respect of use of radio frequencies
34. Planning and management of the radio spectrum
35. Requirement of licence for operation of a radio station
36. Kinds of radio licence
37. Application for radio licences
38. Competitive tendering process for radio licences
39. Amendment of radio licences
40. Monitoring and enforcement of radio regulations
41. Control of radio stations
42. Revocation of radio licences
43. Emergency powers in connexion with radio stations
44. Radio regulations
Part V – Regulation of broadcasting
45. Broadcasting policy
46. Requirement of licences for provision of broadcasting services
No person may provide a broadcasting service in Malawi except in accordance with a broadcasting licence issued to that person by the Authority under this Part.47. Kinds of broadcasting licences
48. Application for broadcasting licences
49. Public broadcasting licences
50. Control of private broadcasting services
51. Terms and conditions to be contained in broadcasting licences
52. Code of conduct for broadcasting services
53. Amendment of broadcasting licences
54. Monitoring and enforcement of broadcasting licences
55. Complaints concerning broadcasts
56. Power to licence reception of broadcasting services
57. Broadcasting regulations
The Minister, on the advice of the Authority, may from time to time make regulations governing the provision of broadcasting services.Part VI – Regulation of postal services
58. Duty of the Authority in respect of postal services
The Authority shall regulate postal services so as to ensure that there are provided throughout Malawi good and sufficient postal services at rates consistent with efficient and continuous service, the financial viability of Malawi Posts and in accordance with the recommendations of the Universal Postal Union and other international agreements entered into by the Republic of Malawi.59. Policy directions by the Minister
60. Exclusive right of Malawi Posts to convey letters
61. Licensing of mail services
62. Amendment of a mail licence
63. Charges and other terms and conditions of postal services
64. Design, etc., of postage stamps
65. Inviolability of mail
66. Use of public transport for carrying mail
67. Transactions on behalf of the Government and local authorities in post offices
68. Financial services
69. Postal regulations
Part VII – Malawi Telecom
70. Incorporation of Malawi Telecom
71. Transfer of assets, etc.
72. Election to transfer to employment with Malawi Telecom
73. Sale of shares in Malawi Telecom
The Authority shall be consulted before the Minister of Finance may dispose of all or part of the Government interest in the shares of Malawi Telecom.Part VIII – Malawi Posts
74. Establishment of Malawi Posts
75. Duties of Malawi Posts
76. Powers and functions of Malawi Posts
77. Board of Directors of Malawi Posts
78. Postmaster General
79. Other staff of Malawi Posts
80. Financing of Malawi Posts
81. Accounts and audit
82. Annual report
83. Transfer of assets, etc.
84. Election to transfer to employment with Malawi Posts
85. Exemption from liability of Malawi Posts
Part IX – Reconstitution of MBC
86. Establishment of Malawi Broadcasting Corporation
There shall continue to be a corporation known as the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (in this Act otherwise referred to as "MBC") which shall—87. Public service obligations of MBC
88. Powers and functions of MBC
89. Board of Directors of MBC
90. Appointment of members of the Board of MBC
91. Avoidance of conflicts of interest
92. Director General and other employees of MBC
93. Financial duty of MBC
It shall be the duty of MBC to conduct its affairs in such a manner as to secure that, taking one year with another, its gross revenue from all sources is sufficient to meet its outgoings properly chargeable to revenue account, including reasonable allocations to the general reserve and provision for the depreciation of capital assets and the repayment of loans; and, further, to ensure that its net operating income in any year is sufficient to secure an annual return on the value of the net fixed assets employed of such percentage as the Minister may from time to time direct.94. Financing of MBC
95. Accounts and Audit
96. Annual report
Part X – Offences
97. Telecommunication offences
98. Radio-communication offences
99. Postal offences
100. Broadcasting offences
101. Miscellaneous offences
102. General punishment for offences
A person guilty of an offence under this Act, for which no other penalty has been prescribed, shall be liable to a fine of K300,000 or to imprisonment for ten years.Part XI – Transitional and miscellaneous provisions
103. Existing licences and authorities
104. Dissolution of MPTC
105. National Communications Policy
106. Type approval of equipment
107. Advisory forums
108. Publication of licences
109. Licence fees and other charges
Part XII – Repeals and savings
110. Repeals and savings
History of this document
01 June 2017
Repealed by
Communications Act
31 December 2014 this version
01 March 1999
30 December 1998
Assented to
Cited documents 0
Documents citing this one 17
Gazette 14
Judgment 3
Subsidiary legislation
Communications (Universal Service Fund) Rules, 2019 | Government Notice 72 of 2019 | 18 October 2019 |
Communications (Quality of Service) Regulations, 2019 | Government Notice 27 of 2019 | 28 June 2019 |
Communications (Broadcasting) Regulations, 2019 | Government Notice 26 of 2019 | 28 June 2019 |
Communications (Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting) Regulations, 2019 | Government Notice 25 of 2019 | 28 June 2019 |
Communications (Consumer Protection) Regulations, 2019 | Government Notice 24 of 2019 | 28 June 2019 |
Communications (Numbering) Regulations, 2019 | Government Notice 23 of 2019 | 28 June 2019 |