Appropriation Act

Act 5 of 1966

This Act has not yet come into force.


Appropriation Act

Act 5 of 1966

  • Assented to on 25 January 1966
  • Not commenced
  • [This is the version of this document as it was from 25 January 1966 to None.]
An Act to Appropriate the sum of twelve million, nine hundred and seventy three thousand, three hundred and sixty two pounds to the service of the Financial Year ending on 31st December, 1966ENACTED by the Parliament of Malawi

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Appropriation Act, 1966.

2. Ependiture of £ 12,973,362 authorized

The Minister of Finance may direct the payment out of the revenue and other funds of Malawi during the financial year ending on 31st of December, 1966, any sum or sums not exceeding in the whole twelve million, nine hundred and seventy three thousand, three hundred and sixty two pounds.

3. Appropriation

The said sum or sums in the whole not exceeding twelve million, nine hundred and seventy three thousand, three hundred and sixty two pounds shall be appropriated to the purposes and in the manner expressed in the Schedule to this Act.

4. Balance unused to lapse

The moneys granted by this Act are intended for the services in respect of which moneys will become payable within the financial year ending 31st December, 1966, and any balance thereof unissued at the end of the month of December, 1966, shall lapse and not be available for making payments in any subsequent month.


Expenditure 1966

Vote NoDetailsAmount (£)
6National Assembly50,517
7Service Commissions8,316
9The Prime Minister's and Cabinet Office777,164
11District Administration260,889
13Ministry of Community and Social Development284,232
14Ministry of Development and Planning84,307
15Ministry of Education2,396,851
16Ministry of External Affairs338,054
17Ministry of Finance813,490
18Customs and Excise107,527
19Income Tax59,231
20Printing and Stationery123,453
21Statistical Department40,104
22Ministry of Health1,168,734
23Ministry of Local Government277,413
25Department of Information188,674
28Ministry of Labour109,918
29Ministry of Natural Resources1,135,175
30Geological Survey26,421
31Lands and Survey103,638
32Ministry of Trade and Industry54,398
33Ministry of Transport and Communications235,175
34Posts and Telecommunications677,876
35Ministry of Works1,404,509
Passed in Parliament this nineteenth day of January, one thousand, nine hundred and sixty-six.
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History of this document

25 January 1966 this version
Assented to