Immigration Act
Chapter 15:03
- Commenced on 1 January 1964
- [This is the version of this document at 31 December 2014.]
- [Note: This version of the Act was revised and consolidated in the Fifth Revised Edition of the Laws of Malawi (L.R.O. 1/2018), by the Solicitor General and Secretary for Justice under the authority of the Revision of the Laws Act.]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Immigration Act.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless inconsistent with the context—“Chief Immigration Officer” means any person appointed as a Chief Immigration Officer in terms of section 3;“dependent relative”, in relation to any person, means his child, step-child, adopted child, grandchild, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, great nephew, or great niece, or any such relative of his spouse, who by reason of infirmity of mind or body, is wholly dependent upon such person, and is living with such person;“Deputy Chief Immigration Officer” means any person appointed as a Deputy Chief Immigration Officer in terms of section 4;“immigration officer” means any person appointed as an immigration officer in terms of section 3 and includes a Chief Immigration Officer and Deputy Chief Immigration Officer;“magistrate” means a Resident Magistrate or a magistrate of the first or second grade;“magistrate’s Court” means a court of a Resident Magistrate or a court of a magistrate of the first or second grade;“police officer” means a member of the Malawi Police Force established under the Police Act;[Cap. 13:01]“police force” means the Malawi Police Force established under the Police Act;[Cap. 13:01]“prison” means a prison established under the Prisons Act.[Cap. 9:02]3. Appointment of immigration officers
Part I – Immigration generally
3A. Disciplinary regulations
The Minister may make regulations for the disciplinary control of immigration officers and such regulations may be made to apply generally, or may make separate provisions for different ranks of immigration officers.[27 of 1990]4. Prohibited immigrants
5. Production of identity documents
Any person entering Malawi who fails on demand by an immigration officer to produce to him an unexpired passport or other valid document of identity of a class recognized by the Minister—6. Exemptions by Minister
7. Prohibition of entry of prohibited immigrant
Subject to this Act, no prohibited immigrant shall be allowed to enter or remain in Malawi and any immigration officer may cause any prohibited immigrant entering or found within Malawi to be removed therefrom.8. Appeals
9. Jurisdiction of courts
10. Removal of prohibited immigrants
11. Place of entry by prohibited immigrant
No prohibited immigrant who is permitted by or under this Act to enter or re-enter Malawi shall enter or re-enter Malawi at any port of entry other than that through which his entry or re-entry has been authorized by an immigration officer.12. Persons who are not prohibited immigrants
The following persons or classes of persons shall not be prohibited immigrants for the purpose of this Act—13. Persons required to appear before immigration officer
14. Detention of suspected prohibited immigrant
15. Detention of prohibited immigrant pending deportation
16. Prohibited immigrant subject to the Act despite entry into Malawi
No person shall be exempt from this Act or be allowed to remain in Malawi—17. Temporary permits
18. Powers of search, etc.
For the purpose of exercising his powers and carrying out his duties under this Act, an immigration officer may—19. Evidence
20. Certificates of identity
The Chief Immigration Officer may issue a certificate of identity to any person who is lawfully resident in Malawi and who, desiring to proceed thereout with the intention of returning thereto, is for any reason apprehensive that he will be unable to prove on his return that he is not a prohibited immigrant.Part II – Residence and other permits
21. Restrictions on immigration
22. Permanent residence permit
23. Exemptions from section 21 (1)
24. Temporary residence permit
24A. Business residence permit
25. Temporary employment permit
26. Visitor’s permit
27. Permit holders not exempted from provisions of other Parts
Neither a permanent residence permit, a temporary residence permit, a business residence permit nor a temporary employment permit shall exempt the holder thereof from compliance with any other provisions of this Act or with any regulations made hereunder.[21 of 1987]28. Cancellation of permit
29. Production of document
30. Presumptions
In any proceedings for an offence under this Part against a person alleged in the charge to be a person who requires to be in possession of a permanent residence permit, a temporary residence permit, a business residence permit or a temporary employment permit, that person shall be deemed not to be in possession of such permit unless he proves the contrary.[21 of 1987]31. Permit to attend educational institutions
32. Power to delegate
Part III – General
33. Re-entry of prohibited immigrant
34. Misuse of documents
Any person who—35. Forgery of documents
If any person forges or unlawfully alters any permanent residence permit, temporary residence permit, business residence permit, temporary employment permit, student’s permit, passport or other document of identity, he shall be liable to imprisonment for five years.[21 of 1987]36. Aiding and abetting, unlawful entry
37. Other Offences
Any person who—38. Saving
Every permit, warrant, direction, certificate, notice or other document and every order of deportation and every security that was issued, made, granted or given under any law in force prior to the date of commencement of this Act, and was valid immediately prior to that date, shall be given effect as if issued, made, granted or given under this Act:Provided that any permit issued by a former Government that granted permanent residence to a person who is not a citizen of Malawi or a Commonwealth citizen, shall cease to be valid on the 6th July, 1967, but may, on application by the holder, be replaced by a permanent residence permit issued under this Act.39. Deportation
40. Regulations
41. Delegation of powers
The Chief Immigration Officer may, subject to the prior approval of the Minister in each case, delegate in writing to the Deputy Chief Immigration Officer any or all of the powers conferred upon the Chief Immigration Officer by this Act.42. Repatriation of alien women
43. Person absent from Malawi for two years to report return
History of this document
31 December 2014 this version
01 January 1964
Subsidiary legislation
Immigration (Amendment) Regulations (No. 3), 2024 | Government Notice 15 of 2024 | 15 March 2024 |
Immigration (Amendment) Regulations, 2024 | Government Notice 6 of 2024 | 7 February 2024 |
Immigration (Amendment) Regulations, 2024 | Government Notice 4 of 2024 | 26 January 2024 |
Immigration (Amendment) Regulations, 2021 | Government Notice 52 of 2021 | 1 October 2021 |